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Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) is an efficient quantitative MRI technique that can extract important tissue and system parameters such as T1, T2, B0, and B1 from a single scan. This property also makes it attractive for retrospectively synthesizing contrast-weighted images. In general, contrast-weighted images like T1-weighted, T2-weighted, etc., can be synthesized directly from parameter maps through spin-dynamics simulation (i.e., Bloch or Extended Phase Graph models). However, these approaches often exhibit artifacts due to imperfections in the mapping, the sequence modeling, and the data acquisition. Here we propose a supervised learning-based method that directly synthesizes contrast-weighted images from the MRF data without going through the quantitative mapping and spin-dynamics simulation. To implement our direct contrast synthesis (DCS) method, we deploy a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework and propose a multi-branch U-Net as the generator. The input MRF data are used to directly synthesize T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images through supervised training on paired MRF and target spin echo-based contrast-weighted scans. In-vivo experiments demonstrate excellent image quality compared to simulation-based contrast synthesis and previous DCS methods, both visually as well as by quantitative metrics. We also demonstrate cases where our trained model is able to mitigate in-flow and spiral off-resonance artifacts that are typically seen in MRF reconstructions and thus more faithfully represent conventional spin echo-based contrast-weighted images.
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The BLOOM model is a large open-source multilingual language model capable of zero-shot learning, but its pretraining was limited to 46 languages. To improve its zero-shot performance on unseen languages, it is desirable to adapt BLOOM, but previous works have only explored adapting small language models. In this work, we apply existing language adaptation strategies to BLOOM and benchmark its zero-shot prompting performance on eight new languages. We find language adaptation to be effective at improving zero-shot performance in new languages. Surprisingly, adapter-based finetuning is more effective than continued pretraining for large models. In addition, we discover that prompting performance is not significantly affected by language specifics, such as the writing system. It is primarily determined by the size of the language adaptation data. We also add new languages to BLOOMZ, which is a multitask finetuned version of BLOOM capable of following task instructions zero-shot. We find including a new language in the multitask fine-tuning mixture to be the most effective method to teach BLOOMZ a new language. We conclude that with sufficient training data language adaptation can generalize well to diverse languages. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/bigscience-workshop/multilingual-modeling/}.
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We present IMAS, a method that segments the primary objects in videos without manual annotation in training or inference. Previous methods in unsupervised video object segmentation (UVOS) have demonstrated the effectiveness of motion as either input or supervision for segmentation. However, motion signals may be uninformative or even misleading in cases such as deformable objects and objects with reflections, causing unsatisfactory segmentation. In contrast, IMAS achieves Improved UVOS with Motion-Appearance Synergy. Our method has two training stages: 1) a motion-supervised object discovery stage that deals with motion-appearance conflicts through a learnable residual pathway; 2) a refinement stage with both low- and high-level appearance supervision to correct model misconceptions learned from misleading motion cues. Additionally, we propose motion-semantic alignment as a model-agnostic annotation-free hyperparam tuning method. We demonstrate its effectiveness in tuning critical hyperparams previously tuned with human annotation or hand-crafted hyperparam-specific metrics. IMAS greatly improves the segmentation quality on several common UVOS benchmarks. For example, we surpass previous methods by 8.3% on DAVIS16 benchmark with only standard ResNet and convolutional heads. We intend to release our code for future research and applications.
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We discuss pattern languages for closed pattern mining and learning of interval data and distributional data. We first introduce pattern languages relying on pairs of intersection-based constraints or pairs of inclusion based constraints, or both, applied to intervals. We discuss the encoding of such interval patterns as itemsets thus allowing to use closed itemsets mining and formal concept analysis programs. We experiment these languages on clustering and supervised learning tasks. Then we show how to extend the approach to address distributional data.
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Dry Eye Disease (DED) is one of the most common ocular diseases: over five percent of US adults suffer from DED. Tear film instability is a known factor for DED, and is thought to be regulated in large part by the thin lipid layer that covers and stabilizes the tear film. In order to aid eye related disease diagnosis, this work proposes a novel paradigm in using computer vision techniques to numerically analyze the tear film lipid layer (TFLL) spread. Eleven videos of the tear film lipid layer spread are collected with a micro-interferometer and a subset are annotated. A tracking algorithm relying on various pillar computer vision techniques is developed. Our method can be found at https://easytear-dev.github.io/.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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The crystallization of modeling methods around the Transformer architecture has been a boon for practitioners. Simple, well-motivated architectural variations can transfer across tasks and scale, increasing the impact of modeling research. However, with the emergence of state-of-the-art 100B+ parameters models, large language models are increasingly expensive to accurately design and train. Notably, it can be difficult to evaluate how modeling decisions may impact emergent capabilities, given that these capabilities arise mainly from sheer scale alone. In the process of building BLOOM--the Big Science Large Open-science Open-access Multilingual language model--our goal is to identify an architecture and training setup that makes the best use of our 1,000,000 A100-GPU-hours budget. Specifically, we perform an ablation study at the billion-parameter scale comparing different modeling practices and their impact on zero-shot generalization. In addition, we study the impact of various popular pre-training corpora on zero-shot generalization. We also study the performance of a multilingual model and how it compares to the English-only one. Finally, we consider the scaling behaviour of Transformers to choose the target model size, shape, and training setup. All our models and code are open-sourced at https://huggingface.co/bigscience .
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在本文中,我们解决了神经面部重演的问题,鉴于一对源和目标面部图像,我们需要通过将目标的姿势(定义为头部姿势及其面部表情定义)通过同时保留源的身份特征(例如面部形状,发型等),即使在源头和目标面属于不同身份的挑战性情况下也是如此。在此过程中,我们解决了最先进作品的一些局限在推理期间标记的数据以及c)它们不保留大型头部姿势变化中的身份。更具体地说,我们提出了一个框架,该框架使用未配对的随机生成的面部图像学会通过合并最近引入的样式空间$ \ Mathcal $ \ Mathcal {S} $ of Stylegan2的姿势,以将面部的身份特征从其姿势中解脱出来表现出显着的分解特性。通过利用这一点,我们学会使用3D模型的监督成功地混合了一对源和目标样式代码。随后用于重新制定的最终潜在代码由仅与源的面部姿势相对应的潜在单位和仅与源身份相对应的单位组成,从而显着改善了与最近的状态性能相比的重新制定性能。艺术方法。与艺术的状态相比,我们定量和定性地表明,即使在极端的姿势变化下,提出的方法也会产生更高的质量结果。最后,我们通过首先将它们嵌入预告片发电机的潜在空间来报告实际图像。我们在:https://github.com/stelabou/stylemask上公开提供代码和预估计的模型
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草图在快速执行的徒手绘图时会形成直观而有力的视觉表达。我们提出了一种从场景草图中综合现实照片的方法。不需要草图和照片对,我们的框架直接以无监督的方式从随时可用的大型照片数据集中学习。为此,我们引入了一个标准化模块,该模块在训练期间通过将照片和草图转换为标准化域,即边缘地图,从而提供伪素描 - 光谱对。草图和照片之间的域间隙减少也使我们可以将它们分为两个组成部分:整体场景结构和低级视觉样式,例如颜色和纹理。利用这一优势,我们通过结合草图的结构和参考照片的视觉样式来合成照片真实的图像。关于感知相似性指标和人类感知研究的广泛实验结果表明,该方法可以从场景草图和跑赢大于最先进的照片合成基准中产生逼真的照片。我们还证明,我们的框架通过编辑相应草图的笔触来促进对照片综合的可控操作,从而比依赖于区域级编辑的以前的方法提供了更多细粒度的细节。
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